The Centre for Natural Reflection Outdoor Therapy Training with Hayley Marshall

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The Natural Reflections Group

CPD for Advanced Outdoor Practitioners

A Seasonal CPD Group for Outdoor Psychotherapists, Counsellors & Psychologists.

I set up the Natural Reflections Group in 2015. My intention was to offer a space for outdoor practitioners to explore their practice through an ongoing group process embedded in a 'home' landscape. The group was dreamt up in the wonderfully diverse treescape of Shining Cliff woodlands, and this place is very much an integral part of the group and its work.

NR Group. Outdoors-Group-2-fw

Each year, as we move through the seasons together, the group gradually develops its own unique relationship with the woods, and we find ourselves working on the questions and themes that individuals bring in collaboration with the varied elements of our more-than-human kin. This offers us an important opportunity to experience and work at depth with our personal, professional and group processes as they respond to constant ecological shifts.

This generates a multi-layered rich and deep process . As a result the group has been extremely effective in supporting practitioners in the development of their ecological professional identities within their ecotherapy work.

'I walk out; I see something, some event that would otherwise have been utterly missed and lost; or something sees me, some enormous power brushes me with its clean wing, and I resound like a beaten bell'

Annie Dillard

NR Group. NRG NOV-fw 2023

This unique closed group will be entering its 10th year in 2025 and is for practitioners who have completed their therapy training.

The overall aim of the group is to build a supportive learning community of outdoor colleagues whereby practitioners can learn and be supported to develop their own ecological practice and identity This is an opportunity to have supervision on clinical work, experiment with new ideas or techniques & develop skills, discuss theory and ethics; but also to experience held solo reflection time in the woods, and explore ecological personal and group process.

The NR Group meets for residential weekends 4 times over the year. We are based in the heart of the woods at The Hostel in The Woods, which provides basic but comfortable shared accommodation and full facilities for group and self catering.

The group is currently in process so will begin a new seasonal cycle in 2025

Our dates for 2025 are

21st - 23rd March / 6th - 8th June / 26th -28th September / 5th - 7th December

The maximum number in the group is 14

The group is facilitated by Hayley Marshall
at Shining Cliff Woods, Ambergate, Derbyshire

Cost: £950 - payable in installments

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