The Centre for Natural Reflection Outdoor Therapy Training with Hayley Marshall

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Courses for Human Relations Practitioners

Developing an ecological sensibility in organisations, education, & the wider psychological professions

Ecological Practice. Shining Mill group hands

Becoming an Ecological Practitioner

On this page you will find innovative new programmes, building on broad ecological philosophy and incorporating contemporary ecological thinking and approaches to practice.
This is work that is urgently needed if our human relationship with the earth is to radically change. The courses here are designed to support the development of an ecological mind (Marshall 2020), whereby human relations practices affect an ontological stretch into an ecocentric frame.

Introducing Eco-TA

Introduction to Eco-TA

This is an innovative introductory programme into ecotherapy and holistic education practice and theory for TA practitioners. Led by Hayley Marshall, PTSTA (P) and Giles Barrow TSTA (E), participants will be given opportunities to explore how nature, landscape and environment can provide powerful agency into clinical, organisational, and educational practices.

Whilst ecotherapy and holistic education have been around for some years, they have, so far, remained outside of mainstream TA theory and practice. We see this programme being at the growing edge in terms of integrating these timely, earth-spirit based themes into the work of the TA practitioner. Whether it’s with a view to healing trauma with clients, building connection to natural agency, or promoting holistic development through learning, this programme will engage the practitioner with the outdoors, as classroom or therapy space, or perhaps something quite new entirely.

We actively welcome participants from our global educational, organisational and therapeutic communities, regardless of field of application, qualification or experience. Only a basic level of TA knowledge required!

Ecological Practice. floating-tree-fw

Topics will include working therapeutically with protocol, symbolic movement and experience, script, liminality, and clarifying vocational purpose, all in relation to an ecological perspective. Practical aspects of working outdoors with clients will also be covered.

30th April - 2nd May 2025
at Shining Cliff Woodland, Ambergate, Derbyshire
Fee £300

(NB: We will be adjusting the fee for those attending from TAlent countries as identified by the ITAA)

Places are limited to 20

Please click here to email for more details and to book a place

Ecological Practice. Round House

Becoming Ecological

Making Space for Red Bead Speech

A Seasonal Workshop Cycle

2024 - 25

Shining Cliff Woods Derbyshire & Mill House Farm Suffolk

Facilitated by Hayley Marshall and Giles Barrow

A year long programme of four 3-day workshops tracking the seasons aimed at human relations practitioners seeking to develop their work with clients across all fields of application and theoretical modalities. The purpose of the programme is to deepen personal and collective ecological conversations, thereby building confidence for working within the ecological domain. The workshops will follow the general direction of our previous Shining Mill Group and will alternate between Mill House, Suffolk, and Shining Cliff Wood, Derbyshire. We aim to work exclusively outdoors in these places incorporating the wisdom of our more-than-human kin.

The programme will seek to honour what we see as the ‘western question’ - how might we return to our ecological being in the world - living our biological reality, rooted in the living systems of the earth?. We will focus on how to enter a place where we truly experience ourselves as being among the more-than-human, and professionally, how to work from this position.
We aim to deepen our practice through moving into more intimate relationships with our two special places, in parallel with some key themes. We will hold close focus around

Movement and body work - exploration of our ‘ecological glue’

Contact – nuanced ecological relating including touch

Ritual – exquisite fine tuning of human experience in deep relationship with the more-than- human world

Story – tasting into the mythic realm, building your story telling practice

We aim to unpack these in nuanced detail, thereby offering practical skills for personal and professional practice. This will involve extensive outdoor immersion linked with fireside teachings, and discussion.

Ecological Practice. Fire

Workshop 1 Monday 30th Sept - Weds 2nd October 2024
Based Mill House, Earl Soham, Suffolk IP13 7RP
Workshop 2 Weds 11th - Friday 13th Dec 2024
Based at Shining Cliff Woods, Ambergate, Derbyshire
Workshop 3 Weds 5th - Friday 7th March 2025
Based Mill House, Earl Soham, Suffolk IP13 7RP
Workshop 4 Weds 18th - Friday 20th June 2025
Based at Shining Cliff Woods, Ambergate, Derbyshire

Cost - £1,125
£200 deposit - balance payable in installments

We have just one place left for this 2024-25 cycle

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