The Centre for Natural Reflection Outdoor Therapy Training with Hayley Marshall

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Taking Therapy Outside

Understanding Therapeutic Practice in Outdoor Natural Spaces

A short residential course for those wanting to get started outdoors

Psychotherapeutic Practice in Outdoor Natural Spaces

In 2012 Martin Jordan and I developed this extended weekend course for therapy professionals wanting to explore moving their work out of the therapy room into natural settings. This was based on our own experiences of taking our work outside, our peer supervision sessions, and our joint writing. Martin's subsequent Phd and wonderful book - 'Nature & Therapy' - were also instrumental in the development of our course.

We originally worked from Powder Mill Woods in East Sussex and then introduced Shining Cliff Woods as our second venue in the North. Both of these very different but stunning settings influenced how we thought about and facilitated the course, the landscapes offering their significant formative presence in the educational process.

Since Martin's sad and untimely death in 2017 this very successful and popular course has continued on, firstly with the expert co-facilitation skills and input of Bille Riley, and now facilitated solo by me, based at Shining Cliff Woodland.

Course Aims

The aim of this popular residential extended weekend course (entering it's 12th year in 2023) has always been to offer practitioners a stepping stone between the therapy room and working outside. There is much to explore and think about as we incorporate the sometimes unpredictable outdoor elements into our work. Many practitioners find the support of the group and the teaching input invaluable in developing their own outdoor therapeutic rationale and way of working.

Taking Therapy Outside Course. snake-mandala-fw

Over the four days we explore many aspects of working outdoors including thinking about the outdoor therapeutic frame, working with metaphor and embodiment, developing creative approaches, and plenty of time given to skills development and the experience of being an outdoor client.

The course is suitable for both qualified and student therapy professionals such as counsellors, psychotherapists, art therapists, psychologists who want to explore the potential for their practice in working in this way.

TTO Courses

Shining Cliff Woods, Ambergate, Derbyshire

16th - 19th May or 4th - 7th July or 10th - 13th Oct

Cost £500
Maximum 12 participants

Facilitated by Hayley Marshall

As of July 21st - there are just a few places left for OctoberPlease contact us by clicking here

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